Media ignores Muslims celebrating Hamas attack
There were celebrations in almost all Western nations—UK, US, Australia, Sweden, Germany
Ravi Shanker Kapoor | October 11, 2023 7:31 pm

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, holding a security assessment on Monday (Israel government photograph)
As the news of Hamas terrorists murdering men, women, and children poured in, reports started emerging about Muslims in Western countries celebrating the vicious attack. And, typically, the liberal-dominated mainstream media (MSM) largely downplayed or ignored the celebrations.
Whatever we know about the celebrations is in spite of the MSM. It was mostly social media posts by independent journalists and others which brought to light the joy many Muslims felt and expressed in the wake of the vicious attack. There were celebrations in almost all Western nations—from the English-speaking UK, US, and Australia to Sweden and Germany.
This is not a new phenomenon; the media has been complicit in downplaying or ignoring the crimes of Muslims in Europe and the US. I have seen many reports by international news agencies and publications about attacks without any mention of the names of the perpetrators.
Concomitantly, however, any wrong move that hurts any Muslim is magnified a million times by MSM and presented as an evidence of the phony concept called ‘Islamophobia.’ Consider the massive violent protests in France after the death of a 17-year-old boy of Moroccan and Algerian descent. The protests received moral and political support from Leftists and liberals. This suited Islamists and their thuggish cronies, who tried to set France afire, resulting in the worst riots for almost two decades.
The boy, Nahel Merzouk, was presented as a martyr, though the fact is that he was accused of juvenile delinquency in the past. He was dangerously driving a car. Worse, he ignored the warning issued to him by cops. One of them later shot at him. That he succumbed to the bullet injury is unfortunate, but this was clearly not a case of systemic racism. Delinquent behavior of any boy—white or black, French or African, Christian or Muslim—could have had a similar ending.
But liberal politicians and intellectuals are so fond of the term systemic racism that they use all the time. By the way, it is only in the context of Western nations and societies. The implicit assumption is that all is no discrimination based on ethnicity, faith, gender, or sexual orientation in Muslim countries. Besides, if racism and bigotry are systemic in Western societies, why do so many Muslims (and also non-Muslims) want to migrate to Europe and the United States?
They go to Western countries, often thrive on welfare schemes, and then they murder the natives. Also, they celebrate when depraved groups like Hamas perpetrate violence against non-Muslims—as they are doing now.
This is not to say that every Muslim is a Hamas supporter or jihadist. Most Muslims are peace loving but the problem is that there is a great deal in their faith that encourages violence against the non-believer. The other two Abrahamic faiths, Judaism and Christianity, also had the same problem, but they were open to exegesis, to modern interpretation. Islam, unfortunately, is not.
One would have expected that Leftists and liberals would support modern, reasonable Muslims. However, these self-appointed champions of morality are usually keen to support the mad mullah than any voice of reason. They glorify Jamal Khashoggi, an Islamist who mourned the death of Osama bin Laden. In India, they support the regressive Muslims who troubled Taslima Nasreen.
Unsurprisingly, the thuggish elements within the Muslim community celebrate Hamas’ massacre.