The Hindu Chronicle

How media, intellectuals encourage the likes of Colorado mass-murderer


Guernica, painting by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso

The Monday massacre at a Colorado supermarket, in which 10 persons died, seems to have triggered another deluge of lies and shenanigans from the mainstream media (MSM) and public intellectuals. Efforts are being made to present the 21-year-old suspect Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa as a victim and the country that gave him refuge, the United States, as the real villain.

“Alissa, whose family emigrated from Syria, may have been suffering from mental illness, according to his 34-year-old brother, Ali Aliwi Alissa. The brother told CNN on Tuesday that in high school bullies made fun of Alissa’s name and for being Muslim and that may have contributed to him becoming ‘anti-social’,” CNN reported (

So Alissa is the injured party rather than the culprit! And perhaps the slaughtered victims are the real villains—for being horrible Islamophobes! Victimhood has scaled a new peak.

There is another effort to mitigate the vileness of the crime: present it as an act of insanity. As Daniel Greenfield wrote, “The authorities and the media will go on lying to Americans. They will blame mental illness, as they do with every Muslim terrorist, and depict Al-Issa as the victim of Islamophobic bigots. The Democrats will turn the killer into the victim and his victims into the perpetrators as they have done so many times. They will tell us that Islam is a religion of peace, and that Al-Issa’s religion and his family origins in the capital of the ISIS Caliphate should be ignored” (

This has been happening because the Democrats have internalized all the phony, dangerous New Left theories; this has brainwashed them, so they keep peddling the MSM lies. In this make-believe world, facts matter only when they help buttress some outlandish viewpoint. This is the reason that despite a large number of Muslims getting inspired by their scriptures, thought leaders continue to chant the mantra that Islam is a religion of peace.

This is not to single out Islam as a religion as bad; there are also embedded ideas and attitudes in, say, Hindu scriptures that are still the bane of our society. The real problem in the reportage of and comment on the violent incidents like the Colorado supermarket shooting is that intellectual fads like political correctness and moral relativism take precedence over facts. This not just undermines the credibility of the MSM but also encourages murderers like Alissa.