The Hindu Chronicle

Jaitley’s goal in life (a poem)

If you speak, I’ll tax speech

If you don’t, I’ll tax silence

If you score well, I’ll tax high score

If you fare bad, I’ll tax low grades

If you eat, I’ll tax food

If you don’t, I’ll tax starvation

If you drink, I’ll tax drinks

If you don’t, I’ll tax teetotalism

If you exercise, I’ll tax fitness

If you don’t, I’ll tax sedentariness

If you read, I’ll tax books

If you don’t, I’ll tax philistinism

If you sing, I’ll tax singing

If you don’t, I’ll tax insensitivity

If you laugh, I’ll tax laughter

If you don’t, I’ll tax lifelessness

If you crack jokes, I’ll tax jokes

If you don’t, I’ll tax dullness

If you cry, I’ll tax tears

If you don’t, I’ll tax sadness

If you love, I’ll tax love

If you don’t, I’ll tax indifference

If you hate, I’ll tax hatred

If you don’t, I’ll tax forgiveness

Whatever you do, I’ll make your life miserable.


(Inspired by Beatles’s 1960’s song ‘Taxman,’ I have written a poem)



